A University is a high citadel of learning and the centre for research, innovation and economic development. Nigeria has 170 Universities (Federal = 43; State = 48; Private = 79) as approved by National University Commission. Knowledge sharing and collaboration amongst Universities is very important because they help to improve the quality of researches and capacity building. Collaboration...
This PPT shows all marketing communicators how to develop a winning comms strategy and plan.
The growth of surveys with questions on data sharing practices has made a significant contribution to characterizing knowledge ecology for open data over the last five years. Yet, our analysis of survey instruments concludes that aggregation and comparative analysis is difficult or impossible, and geographic coverage is uneven. There is a high diversity in: focus (motivations, practices,...
Update on Mozambique pilot of the LIBSENSE National Open Science Roadmaps
Building on the successful implementation of the National Academic Digital Repository of Ethiopia (NADRE) [1, 2] as a deposit of academic and research documentation as well as data the NADRE designers facing the current challenge to define governance and leadership strategies for the NADRE. For this purpose, Ethiopian Institute of Higher Education (EIHE) together with the Higher Education...
Geographically distributed science relies on Research and Education Networks (RENs) for data movement. End-to-end network paths for data movement in the transatlantic region rely on the collaboration of multiple REN operators (including TENET/SANReN, RNP, RedCLARA, GEANT and AmLight ExP).
Several RENs participate in the AmLight consortium to support the Americas-Africa Lightpaths Express...
Update on Tanzania pilot of the LIBSENSE National Open Science Roadmaps
Update on Nigeria pilot of the LIBSENSE National Open Science Roadmaps
Update on Ugandan pilot of the LIBSENSE National Open Science Roadmaps
As the [WACREN][1] network is being deployed we want to make sure it performs at the speed and capacity it was planned for, to make sure that the links provided are reliable to serve our users with the service quality they need. To verify that, a [perfSONAR][2] deployment was designed to go hand in hand with the network: each major network PoP is hosting a primary measurement point (MP),...
Depuis avril 2020 et le début de l’apprentissage à distance, les universités sénégalaises et leurs partenaires sociaux ont eu de nombreuses discussions sur la continuité des enseignements. Rares étaient les discussions dans lesquelles la documentation en ligne, ou la mise en ligne des ressources pédagogiques pour les étudiants, était mentionnée. En raison du rôle premier de la bibliothèque...
The provision of quality information has remained the hallmark of the library profession since the introduction of the concept of service, which in turn is powered by the various technological and paradigmatic shifts that have permeated the profession for some decades now. Whereas these changes have phenomenally rendered the old concept of the library as a “warehouse of knowledge”...
Update on Ivorian pilot of the LIBSENSE National Open Science Roadmaps
In his seminal work on Open science as a collective tool of empowerment and cognitive justice, Piron et al. (2018) has shown that Open Access offers African scholarship unprecedented opportunities to reach previously inaccessible audiences—nationally, regionally, and internationally. This is a great opportunity to improve the dissemination, visibility, and impact of research findings from the...
Building off of the success of the Networks for European, American, and African Research (NEAAR) project, the US National Science Foundation has recently provided funding for a follow-up project that will expand and enhance backbone network services and bandwidth connecting researchers in the US with their counterparts in Europe, Africa, and the Arctic. Led by the International Networks at...
As many other countries in Africa, Somalia suffers from a gap with respect to other countries in the world for what concerns openness of research [1] and visibility of research outputs [2]. Research outputs produced by local universities and research institutions are not adequately showcased to interested communities and citizens outside academic institutions and this has negatively branded...
A cooperation framework for African CSIRTS