Eko-Konnect Youth in Technology Day

New Engineering Lecture Theatre (University of Lagos)

New Engineering Lecture Theatre

University of Lagos


Theme: Connecting youth communities in research and education

The Eko-Konnect Youth In Technology Day is a Day 4 event of the  2020 Eko-Konnect Users Conference. The event aims to promote the participation of students and young professionals in the research and education sector by connecting them to the NREN Weather Map Project.

To achieve peer to peer learning and to deploy impactful projects in the ICT sector, youth need to come together to collaborate on smart projects which bring value to their communities. This event will create an avenue for youth to contribute a nationwide project that will send real-time data to an IoT platform from a temperature and humidity sensor, Raspberry Pi and MQTT (Messaging Query Transport Telemetry) Python protocol.

The participants will also learn about other Internet of Things (IoT) related projects they could embark on to develop their skills in the areas of physical computing and Python programming  such as A Home Automation Lighting System and A Security Surveillance System.

To enable the student community contribute to the event, we encourage students to submit presentation topics that discuss challenges and opportunities for youth participation in tech development in the following topics

  1. IoT and related hardware, 
  2. The role of youth in Internet governance
  3. Technical skills development and mentorship


Join the Women in WACREN-Nigeria community and collaborate on building a weather monitoring system which would be deployed across institutions within the research and education network (REN) to create a pool of weather data that are collected, analyzed and visualized on IoT platforms (thingsboard) to generate a WEATHER MAP for the REN community.

This open project creates a network of weather stations across different locations to aggregate weather data on a single cloud IoT platform. The prototype IoT weather monitoring systems collect, visualize and analyze data on temperature, humidity, pressure, wind direction, wind speed, and liquid precipitation to develop a pool of weather information.

Community Outreach Coordinator
    • 8:00 AM 9:30 AM
    • 9:30 AM 10:00 AM
      Opening Remarks

      Welcome address by the event moderator

    • 10:00 AM 11:00 AM
      Session 1: NREN Weather Map Project
    • 11:00 AM 11:30 AM
      Session 2: Computing Project Exhibitions

      Home Automation Lighting System
      Surveillance System
      *Gitlab Resourses

    • 11:30 AM 12:00 PM
      Session 3: Technical Skills Development and Mentorship

      Amanda Obidike, Cofounder, STEMi

    • 12:00 PM 12:20 PM
      Session 4: Presentations by youth experts from our community 20m

      Digital Literacy - Tohir Balogun

    • 12:20 PM 12:30 PM
      Closing Session
    • 12:30 PM 1:00 PM
      Lunch 30m