21–30 Nov 2016
Lagos State University
Africa/Lagos timezone

A framework for Large NGS data analysis: Metagenomics

23 Nov 2016, 11:20
Department of Computer Science (Lagos State University)

Department of Computer Science

Lagos State University

Ojo, Lagos


Trust Odia (Covenant University, Bioinformatics Research Group - Nigeria)


Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) provides a lot of platforms to sequence DNA and samples at a cheaper and faster rate. Genomic research is benefiting from this, thus making various analysis and interpretations possible. Despite the benefits of NGS, large data handling is a challenge in the area of whole genome/exome sequencing. The analysis of this large data is complex and requires high performance computing (HPC) to remote users. Here, were describe a framework that uses HPC to address large NGS data processing, incomplete data (no sample metadata information) and reduce the task complexity. We use technologies from Sci-GaIA Open Science Platform to make this analysis available for remote users. This framework proposes to ease research in metagenomics and microbial diversity analysis.

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