21–30 Nov 2016
Lagos State University
Africa/Lagos timezone

Education e-Library and MOOC Platform

23 Nov 2016, 08:30
Department of Computer Science (Lagos State University)

Department of Computer Science

Lagos State University

Ojo, Lagos


Behailu Osro (Education Strategy Center, Addis Ababa - Ethiopia) Yoseph Abate (EthERNet - Ethiopia)


Ethiopian Education Roadmap Project is a research project that studies about the current education system ranging from pre-school to the tertiary education. Until now, comprehensive literature reviews are conducted and hundreds of artifacts have been analyzed. The huge documents collected during this study process need to be turned into an e-library that will eventually be utilized as an African Education Library comprising of research publications, books, journals and other related materials. The e-library will be based on a clone of the Sci-GaIA Open Access Repository and each artifacts will be assigned a DOI in order to ensure citability and authorship (this through the connection with ORCID – http://orcid.org). The e-library will be also exposing an OAI-PMH endpoint and a RESTful API endpoint to allow automatic harvesting of metadata by machines. The use case also includes the installation and customization of a web based environment for MOOCs, the MOOCs platform, the Sci-Gaia Online Courses server (http://courses.sci-gaia.eu), based on OpenEdx, will be considered.

Presentation materials