21–30 Nov 2016
Lagos State University
Africa/Lagos timezone

Addis Ababa Rivers and Riversides Monitoring System

23 Nov 2016, 08:50
Department of Computer Science (Lagos State University)

Department of Computer Science

Lagos State University

Ojo, Lagos


Yoseph Abate (EthERNet - Ethiopia)


Rivers in Addis Ababa have suffered an incessant degradation for so many years that they ended up as waste disposal bins and sewers. The need to revitalize the rivers and riversides within the city has been a priority for the Addis Ababa City Government for quite some time. Currently, researchers for the fields of Environmental Protection, Biology and Urban Planning are engaged in studying the current statuses of all rivers and riversides and follow-up their conditions in the years to come. The data acquisition, analysis and reporting need to be automated using mobile and web applications. For this purpose, I have volunteered to build a mobile and web application in order to assist these researchers whose study eventually help the City Government make a proper decision concerning the rivers and riversides. During this Lagos Hackfest, I have planned to complete the web application and the backend database.

Presentation materials