21–30 Nov 2016
Lagos State University
Africa/Lagos timezone

A Near Real-Time Meteorological Data Depository for Atmospheric Research in Africa

23 Nov 2016, 10:30
Department of Computer Science (Lagos State University)

Department of Computer Science

Lagos State University

Ojo, Lagos


Segun Oyeyiola (Obafemi Awolowo University - Nigeria)


Development of a remotely accessible meteorological data depository from an online server located at Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU). Using resources based on existing RENs this facility will allow researchers anywhere in the world to download reliable atmospheric data (in near real-time) from an array of low-cost automatic (and autonomous) weather stations to be deployed across Nigeria. This online database will be useful for the study of the atmospheric phenomena (regional climate modelling, aerosol loading and pollution, etc.).

Presentation materials