Support and promote adoption of persistent identifiers for objects to improve the visibility of researchers and their works; employ as a way of strengthening relationships with campus research community and demonstrating value in supporting research and scholarly communication.
Digital Library Content and Licensing; Understand how Identity federations improve cost and access to library resources for research and academic institutions.
Open Access Repositories and curation of local content
11:00 AM
The journey towards Open Access initiatives in Nigeria30m
DrEzra Gbaje(EIFL Open Access Nigeria Country Coordinator)
11:30 AM
ORCID: tracking research outputs and populating your repository30m
MrMatthew Buys(ORCID)
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
3:00 PM
Interactive Discussion
How can we meet technical, organisational, legal challenges to improve the connectivity of libraries?
Practical steps for closer collaboration between WACREN and library consortia in Western and Central Africa?
What needs to be done
- on the side of NREN’s
- on the side of librarians
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
Coffee Break
3:30 PM
5:00 PM
Conclusions and next steps
Conclusions to be carried forward to TANDEM plenary