Networking session "MAGIC + Sci-GaIA + TANDEM: Towards Sustainable e-Infrastructures" at TNC 2016


The EC funded MAGIC, Sci-GaIA and TANDEM projects will join forces to promote the cross-border collaboration needed to develop global research infrastructures for 2020 and beyond, and showcase the development and operation of research e-infrastructures in different world regions; introducing their approaches on these issues and stimulating discussions about the benefits of developing new world class research e-Infrastructures for the R&D communities.

They will underline the necessity of establishing e-infrastructures as a sustainable utility and exploiting them as a factor of innovation to ensure that the wider global scientific community is part of a truly connected world.

TANDEM (TransAfrican Network Development) will create favourable conditions for WACREN, enabling it to draw maximum benefit from the forthcoming AfricaConnect2 project and ensuring it’s integration into the global REN community and its long-term sustainability. It aims to make it possible for researchers and academics to contribute with their peers around the world to the socio-economic development of the West and Central African Region.

Sci-GaIA (Engerising Scientific Endeavour Though Science Gateways and e-Infrastructures in Africa) aims to work with African Communities of Practice to build sustainable Science Gateways and supporting e-Infrastructure services and to help African scientists to promote and disseminate their works through the adoption of the Open Science paradigm. 

MAGIC (Middleware for collaborative Applications and Global vIrtual Communities) aims to significantly improve the ability of researchers and academics around the world to collaborate together; it is working to expand the global reach of eduroam and identity infrastructures for the academia and on establishing middleware which will enable NRENs to share services and real-time applications for international and inter-continental research groups via a common marketplace; at its heart are Global Science Communities. 

    • 4:00 PM 4:45 PM
      Joint MAGIC, TANDEM and Sci-GaIA presentation 45m
      Speakers: Mr Omo Oaiya (WACREN), Dr Simon Taylor (Brunel University London), Mr Thomas Fryer (GÉANT)
    • 4:45 PM 5:30 PM
      Panel Session 45m