Source : Install, configuring and running DSC on Ubuntu: NOTES: DSC - DNS Statistics Collector (DSC) is a tool used for collecting and exploring statistics from busy DNS servers. It uses a distributed architecture with collectors running on or near nameservers sending their data to one or more central presenters for display and archiving. Collectors use pcap to sniff network traffic. They transmit aggregated data to the presenter as XML data. DSP - DNS Statistics Presenter (DSP) can be used to display statistics collected by DSC 1. Install DSC dependencies -apt-get update -apt-get install apache2 -apt-get install ssh -apt-get install perl -apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 -apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2 2. Add dsc dsp repositories with this command # add-apt-repository ppa:dns-oarc/dsc-pr - If the "add-apt-repository ppa:dns-oarc/dsc-pr" doesn't work Go to "" and get your ubuntu version source list in “Technical details about this PPA “. For ubuntu 12.04, use : deb precise main deb-src precise main For ubuntu 14.04, use : deb trusty main deb-src trusty main 3. Then Update and install dsc dsp -apt-get update -apt-get install dsc dsp 4. Configure the collector dsc # cd /etc/dsc # cp dsc.conf.sample dsc.conf # nano dsc.conf edit the local_address : local_address IP_server; edit the run_dir : run_dir "/var/lib/dsc/localhost/localnode"; uncomment lines "bpf_program" uncomment the interface eth0 save 5. Create the localhost and localnode directory: # mkdir -p /var/lib/dsc/localhost/localnode 6. Start the collector dsc # dsc /etc/dsc/dsc.conf 7. Wait and check that you get data files after 2 minutes # ls /var/lib/dsc/localhost/localnode 8. Configure the extrator # crontab -e * * * * * nice /usr/lib/dsp/ 9. Configure the Presenter dsp # cd /etc/dsp # cp dsc-grapher.cfg.sample dsc-grapher.cfg - edit the file : #nano dsc-grapher.cfg - Remove these two lines server f-root pao1 sfo2 server k-root A=k1.A,k2.A B=k1.B,k2.B C=k1.C,k2.C - Add this line and save : server localhost localnode - Remove all the lines after "accum_windows 1day 2days 3days 1week" and save the file. - After removing the lines, the content of your /etc/dsp/dsc-grapher.cfg will look like this: server localhost localnode trace_windows 1hour 4hour 1day 1week accum_windows 1day 2days 3days 1week 10. Update TLDs domain_list - Create the file /etc/dsp/update.rootserver with this content: dig . axfr \ | awk '$3=="IN" && $4=="NS" {print $1}' \ | tr A-Z a-z \ | sed -e 's/\.$//' \ | grep . \ | sort \ | uniq \ | fmt -100 \ | sed -e 's/^/domain_list all_tlds /' - Execute the file: # chmod 777 /etc/dsp/update.rootserver # /etc/dsp/update.rootserver >> /etc/dsp/dsc-grapher.cfg - Edit /etc/dsp/dsc-grapher.cfg #nano /etc/dsp/dsc-grapher.cfg - Add this at the end of the file valid_domains localhost all_tlds 11. Make the file executable # chmod -R 777 /usr/lib/cgi-bin # chmod 777 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/dsp/ # chmod a+x /usr/lib/cgi-bin/dsp/ 12. Setup the cache of the Presenter(dsp) # mkdir /var/cache/dsp # chown www-data:www-data /var/cache/dsp/ 13. Add a virtualhost to the apache2 configuration ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ AllowOverride All Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch AddHandler cgi-script cgi pl Order allow,deny Allow from all 14. Verify and activate this modules # a2enmod perl # a2enmod cgi 15. Start observing the Graphs at : http://server_Ip/cgi-bin/dsp/ 16. Display Multi-serveurs data - Create on the main server each folder of other servers # mkdir /var/lib/dsc/localhost/folder_name - copy the others servers collector folders (/var/lib/dsc/localhost/localnode) on the main Presenter's localhost folder (/var/lib/dsc/localhost/folder_name). # cd /var/lib/dsc/localhost/folder_name # scp -r other_server_username@other_server_Ip_address:/var/lib/dsc/localhost/localnode . -Edit /etc/dsp/dsc-grapher.cfg and add the name of your folder after "localnode" . server localhost localnode folder_name - Save the file and refresh dsp in your browser.